Garage Door Off-Track Repair in Houston

Garage Door Off-Track Repair in Houston

Looking for garage door off-track repair in Houston?

If you are, then you have certainly come to the right place.

Overhead garage doors have, over time, become such an important part of our daily lives.

Without these doors, we will have no means to safely protect our assets and belongings such as our vehicles, business outputs, and many more.

Thanks to garage doors, storing and protecting your valuables have now become so much easier.

However, although we receive a lot of benefits from garage doors, it is not without flaws.

And this is where the problem comes in.

Your garage door, just like any other mechanical mechanism out there, is not self-sustaining and will eventually need to be serviced or repaired.

This is because, over time, as you keep using your garage doors, the different parts and components comprising it start to wear out.

When this happens, it can spell a lot of trouble most especially to the involved parties.

Now, one of the most common garage door needs around the world is garage door off-track repair.

It is a problem that is fairly simple to deal with but if left unattended, can be quite the source of headache for anyone.

This being said, what exactly does garage door off-track mean and how is this problem dealt with?

Well, let’s find out together.

What does garage door off-track mean?

Garage door off-track refers to the problem where the tracks supporting and guiding the path of your garage doors become slightly off.

Because of this, a lot of problems can start occurring for your garage doors.

These problems include but are not limited to the following:

  • Your garage door not being able to open
  • Difficulties in lifting your garage door open and close
  • Loud clattering noises during operation
  • Can affect your garage door’s operational functions

These problems can be a bit difficult to deal with once it occurs but can be prevented sooner by fixing your off-track problems.

What’s wrong with your garage door’s tracks?

Before we can deal with your off-track problem at hand, the first thing you should do is to assess the situation first.

Doing so will allow you to respond accordingly and in a timely manner.

However, when you have garage door off-track issues, what could possibly be wrong with our garage door’s tracks?

Now based on our years of experience, garage door off-track problem is commonly caused by either of these four reasons and these are the following:

  • Loose garage door tracks
  • Dented garage door tracks
  • Lack of lubrication
  • Dirty garage door tracks

There are many more as well that may result in the same off-track problem but these four are the most common ones.

Once you have identified which of these could be causing your garage door some problems, you may now continue to prepare your tools and equipment needed for the job.

What can you do about your garage door off-track problem?

Now, depending on the problem, the way of handling your off-track issue can also vary.

After all, there is no one-way-fit-all solution when it comes to a problem such as this.

Once you know what’s causing the problem, you may now attempt to try and fix the problem at hand.

With this being said, here are some tips and tricks in which you can try in order to deal with your garage door off-track problem based on the cause of the problem.

Loose garage door tracks

Loosened garage door tracks are mostly caused by the vibrations produced by your garage door when lifting it open and close.

Because of all the movement, the different screws, nuts, and bolts holding your tracks in place start to loosen up.

When this happens, your door’s tracks can easily move in place resulting in another bigger issue known as garage door off-track.

Now, in order to fix a problem such as this, all you need to do is find out where all the sections that have loosened tracks are.

Once you do, make sure to align them properly with their neighbor tracks and then secure them tightly in place.

Dented garage door tracks

Your garage door off-track problem can also be due to some dents which can be found on your garage door’s tracks.

These dents or damages were most likely procured by having an external source hit on it very hard physically.

If this is the case for you then worry not as this can also be relatively easy to fix.

The first thing you need to do is to remove the said track from its place by unscrewing the brackets holding it tightly.

Once done, assess the problem if it can still be fixed or if it is beyond repair.

If the damage is not that big or major, try hitting on the dented area with a rubber mallet to straighten it.

Otherwise, have that specific track replaced with a new one.

This should be able to do the trick and fix your garage door problem without any hitch.

Lack of lubrication

Your garage door could also be off-track due to a lack of lubrication.

If this is the case for your garage door, it can only mean one of either possibility.

It could be that the lack of lubrication has resulted in your garage door’s tracks being damaged or it could be the direct cause for the damage itself.

Whichever the case may be for you, it is undeniable that it is a problem that must be addressed with.

Lubricating your garage doors can provide you with a lot of benefits and advantages however if neglected, garage door off-track is only one of the few problems it can cause.

Directly appalling lubrication on your door’s different moving parts is enough and should do the trick.

After doing so, try checking if your off-track problem is resolved.

Dirty garage door tracks

Another possible cause for your off-track garage doors is your dirty garage door tracks.

Over time, your garage door’s tracks may start to gather dust and dirt within it.

Now this dirt that is accumulated within your garage door’s tracks will start to harden and combine with the others if not cleaned regularly.

Once it hardens, it can cause your garage doors to go off-track.

When dealing with a problem like this, prevention will always be better than the solution or cure.

Try cleaning your doors regularly in order to prevent the dirt from gathering and accumulating on your track’s surface.

However, if you already find yourself in a problem such as this, then the dirt can also be removed by wiping it off or having running water weather it out.

Although it may take more time, it should still be able to do the trick and fix your problem at hand.


There are a lot of companies out there that can provide you with garage door off-track repair in Houston.

So if ever things get too difficult to handle, you shouldn’t worry about it a lot.

Plus, fixing a garage door off-track problem is comparably easier when compared to the other garage door-related issues and problems that currently exist.

If you are looking for a garage door repair company near your area that can provide you with repair services, then Non Stop Garage Door Services is the one for you.

We not only make sure that the quality of service we provide is the best but we also are quick and fast with the work we do.

We will surely get your problem fixed in no time.

Get to know more about us by reaching out to us or visiting us at our main office near your area.

Worry not, as we will not be charging you for any inquiries and questions that you might have for us.

Remember, for the best garage door off-track repair in Houston; choose Non Stop Garage Door Services now!

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